05 January, 2016

7 Beauty New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year! I hope 2016 is off to an amazing start for you all!:)
I think New Year is the perfect time to have a little fresh start, although I think if you want to change, you don't need a New Year to do it.
But I wanted to write down some New Years resolutions (as I always do)
And I thought of some beauty resolutions that I would like to stick to this year.
Even thought you might not follow them, I think it's a good idea to share it with you, maybe you have similar beauty resolutions as i do. One never knows :)

1. Drink more water

I know many people say this for their new years resolutions, and I'm sure you're tired of hearing people say this, but it's really important and definitely something I need to work torwards. 
Drinking water keeps your skin properly hydrated and it basically can improve your skin a lot. 

2. Proper skincare routine 

One of my biggest and probably hardest beauty resolution this year, is to have a proper skincare routine and stick to it. I often get into a routine and than I get lazy after couple of days and I skip some steps, but now I'm determined to find what actually works for my skin and be consistent.

3. Clean my makeup brushes weekly

This is something I really need to work on, because I always forget or have no time to do this but it's important not to miss this step as a lot of bacteria can build up in your brushes. I actually quite enjoy cleaning them, I just have to make sure I clean them every week and never skip it.

4. Try new makeup looks

I'm someone who always get stuck with one makeup look that suits me, but than I don't try anything new, and I bet there are many colours in my eyeshadow palette that I've never touched before. Honestly I'm very basic with my everyday makeup, I only wear quite natural/nude colours on my daily basics, so I really need to dare to wear some different looks.

5. Get rid of products I don't use
There are bunch of products that don't work for me, or I've basically found a better product and I haven't worn the old one for ages, but I still keep it in my makeup drawer.
But also different makeup products have specific expiry dates as products simply break down or drie up.
So I think it's the right time to get rid of those products.

6. Get more sleep
Sleep is so important, and we all know that, but it's something I really struggle with.
I often find myself looking at screens about 3am, which is terrible I know.
So I'm going to try to go to bed earlier this year, and it should in turn help my body and mind. Can't wait to see the results. 

7. Eat healthier

I'm not sure if this is a beauty resolution, but I thought I'd mention it here because it has a lot in common with beauty I think.
But I'm horrible when it comes to healthy eating, I will eat as much chocolate as I want and I will not feel guilty at all.
I of course won't cut out sweets, but I'd like to eat less sweets and try to eat more healthy food. Wish me luck haha

So those were probably all the beauty related resolutions that I made this year.
Have you made any? Let me know down in the comments, I'd like to know :)

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