20 January, 2018


1. DON’T COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS                                                    
 I genuinely think that this is one of the most important steps to make, in order to have a happy life. I know that it is really hard not to compare yourself with others with all the social media out there, and I personally struggle with this quite often, but you have to remember that everyone’s different and everyone's life is different, and just because someone’s life seems better than yours, doesn’t mean that your life automatically sucks. Plus I’m pretty sure nobody’s life is as perfect as it looks on Instagram. 

 One of the steps to becoming happy is to feel comfortable in your own skin. We all have something we’re insecure about. Even the famous or the richest people, I’m pretty sure if they could change something about themselves, they probably would. Nobody’s really perfect or flawless. You just have to accept yourself for who you are and try to love yourself with your flaws. It can be a hard process but in the end, you will feel som much better and happier. 

3. TRY TO FIND HAPPINESS IN EVERYDAY LIFE This one can be really hard too but trust me, there’s always something you could be happy about. It could be the smallest things, it could literally be anything, whether it’s a cup of coffee in the morning, a nap, a nice comment on your Instagram picture, spending some time with someone you love or whatever it is, it could be the smallest thing and it can make you feel so much happier. After all, the little things in life, they aren’t so little. 

I think this one is really important as well because many people often take things for granted, don’t appreciate things in life and constantly complain about something. There’s so many people out there who would give anything to be in your position. I don’t know what is it with people always wanting more and more. I mean, it’s good to set yourself goals but first you should learn how to appreciate the things you already have. 

5. LIVE IN THE PRESENT  I feel like the older we get, the more we think about the past or the future. And in reality it’s actually really pointless. Especially thinking about the past, like it already happened, you can’t change anything about the past so why to waste time by thinking about it. And also, try not to worry about future too much and stop planning things too far. You don’t have to have it all figured right now. Just try to live in the moment. It can honestly become really overwhelming to constantly focus on the past or the future. And if things get too much, just try to take it a day by day, or a minute by minute. Just focus on what’s happening right now. 

6. DON’T TAKE EVERYTHING IN LIFE TOO SERIOUSLY  This one can be really easy for some but also really hard for other people. Just try not to worry too much about things that won’t matter in a few year. Focus on what’s actually important. 

7. CUT OUT NEGATIVE PEOPLE OUT OF YOUR LIFE This one can be really hard to do, because it’s really hard to let go of people. But if you spend a lot of time with people that make you feel bad or something, it can be really bad for your mental health. Only spend time with people that you enjoy spending time with. It could be more difficult if you go to school (like me), and you can’t really cut out some people. And I  unfortunately still don’t really know what to do in this case. Maybe just try to focus on the positive people and try to spend the least time possible with the negative ones.

8. TRY TO EAT HEALTHY  If you don’t already eat healthy, 2018 is the right time to start. It’s really important to have a healthy body in order to be happy (I guess that’s kind of obvious).But for the start, you don’t neseserly have to completely cut out sweets out of your life or anything like that, but maybe you could just try to eat less of something that isn’t good for your body and try to replace it with something a lot healthier. 

9. EXERCISE MORE By exercising I don’t neseserly mean going to the gym everyday (if that's not really something you're into), you can even exercise at home or maybe you could just sometimes walk instead of taking the bus or driving somewhere. It’s really important in order to be healthy (and happy). 

10. SET YOURSELVES GOALS It’s very important to have some goals for the upcoming year, so you kind of know what you’re working towards. Stay focused and don't give up on your goals and dreams.

11. DO MORE OF WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY.  I’m quite sure that most of us have to go to school or work most days and it can be quite draining sometimes, especially if there isn’t anything else you could be looking forward to on everyday basis. So if you don’t already know what it is that can make you feel happy and excited, than try some new things and try to find something you could do in your free time. And if you already have something that you love doing, just do it as often as possible. 

12. SPEND LESS TIME ON YOUR PHONE  I feel like so many people are addicted to their phone and to be honest, so am I. But there’s nothing wrong with putting your phone down for a bit, it can be quite refreshing actually. Next time you wanna go on your phone, just ask yourself if you really need to check that Instagram every five minutes. Plus you could probably be doing something a lot more productive (unless you’re trying to become Instagram famous), haha no just kidding, even if you’re trying to grow your social media accounts or something, there’s nothing wrong with turning your phone off for a while. 

13. TRY TO SEE SOMETHING GOOD IN EVERY SITUATION  I know this is super hard but if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. 

So these are the tips that helped me to feel happier and more positive. So I hope that it was at least a little bit helpful, and let me know down below what else makes YOU happy. :) xx

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